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Setup Cognito/ALB Ingress Controller

This document describes how to install ALB Ingress Controller with AWS Cognito integration to minimal capacity, other options and or configurations may be required for production, and on an app to app basis.


The following assumptions are observed regarding this procedure.

  • ExternalDNS is installed to the cluster and will provide a custom URL for your ALB. To setup ExternalDNS refer to the install instructions.

Cognito Configuration

Configure Cognito for use with ALB Ingress Controller using the following links with specified caveats.

ALB Ingress Controller Setup

Install the ALB Ingress Controller using the install instructions with the following caveats.

  • When setting up IAM Role Permissions, add the cognito-idp:DescribeUserPoolClient permission to the example policy.

Deploying an Ingress

Using the cognito-ingress-template you can fill in the <required> variables to create an ALB ingress connected to your Cognito user pool for authentication.