bom document outline

bom document query → Draw structure of a SPDX document

bom document outline

bom document outline → Draw structure of a SPDX document


bom document outline → Draw structure of a SPDX document",

This subcommand draws a tree-like outline to help the user visualize the structure of the bom. Even when an SBOM represents a graph structure, drawing a tree helps a lot to understand what is contained in the document.

You can define a level of depth to limit the expansion of the entities. For example set –depth=1 to only visualize only the files and packages attached directly to the root of the document.

bom will try to add useful information to the oultine but, if needed, you can set the –spdx-ids to only output the IDs of the entities.

bom document outline SPDX_FILE [flags]


  -d, --depth int   recursion level (default -1)
  -h, --help        help for outline
      --spdx-ids    use SPDX identifiers in tree nodes instead of names

Options inherited from parent commands

      --log-level string   the logging verbosity, either 'panic', 'fatal', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug', 'trace' (default "info")


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 27-Jun-2022
Last modified July 2, 2022: Add docs (377737b)