Configuring BOM via YAML

Configure BOM via YAML


bom can be configured via a YAML file. The usage is as:

bom generate -c path/to/yaml/config


The YAML config looks like:

namespace:  # an URI that serves as namespace for the SPDX doc
license: Apache-2.0 # SPDX license identifier to declare in the SBOM
name: ExampleBOM  #name for the document, in contrast to URLs, intended for humans
 person: Author Name (
 tool: bom 

    - type: directory # Valid choices are "directory" or "file" or "image"
      source: ./bom # Path to container in registry if type is "image" else path to directory or file
      license: Apache-2.0 # SPDX identifier of the license
      gomodules: true # Boolean. Set it to true if this artifact is a gomodule.

    - type: image # Valid choices are "directory" or "file" or "image"
      source: # Path to container in registry if type is "image" else path to directory or file
      license: Apache-2.0 # SPDX identifier of the license

    - type: file # Valid choices are "directory" or "file" or "image"
      source: ./ # Path to container in registry if type is "image" else path to directory or file
      license: Apache-2.0 # SPDX identifier of the license


A URI that serves as namespace for the SPDX doc. This is used as value for DocumentNamespace in the generated SPDX BOM.


This is a SPDX license identifier. It’s top level for the whole generated SBOM.


Name of the generated BOM. Intended for humans.

creator :

Information about BOM creator.

person :

Name of person who created the BOM.

tool :

Tool used for creating the BOM.

artifacts :

type :

Type of artifact. Can be either “image” or “file” or “directory” .

source :

Path to artifact.

If artifact type is file, then source should be a path to the file.

If artifact type is directory, then source should be a path to the directory.

If artifact type is image, then source should be a path to the URI of image in container registry.

license :

Top level SPDX identifier of this artifact.

gomodules :

This is a boolean. If set to true, then bom will assume the artifact to be a go module. The dependencies will also be scanned.

Last modified July 2, 2022: Add docs (377737b)