
Cloud Provider Azure v0.7.4

Major changes since v0.7.3

Cloud Provider Azure v0.7.4 includes several critical bug fixes. The images are available at:

  • mcr.microsoft.com/oss/kubernetes/azure-cloud-node-manager:v0.7.4
  • mcr.microsoft.com/oss/kubernetes/azure-cloud-controller-manager:v0.7.4

Changes by Kind


Bug or Regression

  • Fix: arm node provider Windows initialization (#595, @JesusAlvarezTorres)
  • Fix: call the counterpart function of availabilitySet when the instance is not a vmss vm (#597, @nilo19)
  • Fix: potential race condition in detach disk (#593, @andyzhangx)
  • Fix: support sharing the primary slb when there are both external and internal load balancers in the cluster (#588, @nilo19)
Last modified June 16, 2023: init documentation branch (6258fe0f8)