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Flag Description
--[no-]version Show application version.
--server="" The Kubernetes API server to connect to (default: auto-detect)
--kubeconfig="" Retrieve target cluster configuration from a Kubernetes configuration file (default: auto-detect)
--request-timeout=30s Request timeout when calling Kubernetes APIs. 0s means no timeout
--[no-]resolve-service-load-balancer-hostname Resolve the hostname of LoadBalancer-type Service object to IP addresses in order to create DNS A/AAAA records instead of CNAMEs
--[no-]listen-endpoint-events Trigger a reconcile on changes to Endpoints, for Service source (default: false)
--cf-api-endpoint="" The fully-qualified domain name of the cloud foundry instance you are targeting
--cf-username="" The username to log into the cloud foundry API
--cf-password="" The password to log into the cloud foundry API
--gloo-namespace=gloo-system The Gloo Proxy namespace; specify multiple times for multiple namespaces. (default: gloo-system)
--skipper-routegroup-groupversion="" The resource version for skipper routegroup
--source=source The resource types that are queried for endpoints; specify multiple times for multiple sources (required, options: service, ingress, node, pod, fake, connector, gateway-httproute, gateway-grpcroute, gateway-tlsroute, gateway-tcproute, gateway-udproute, istio-gateway, istio-virtualservice, cloudfoundry, contour-httpproxy, gloo-proxy, crd, empty, skipper-routegroup, openshift-route, ambassador-host, kong-tcpingress, f5-virtualserver, f5-transportserver, traefik-proxy)
--openshift-router-name=OPENSHIFT-ROUTER-NAME if source is openshift-route then you can pass the ingress controller name. Based on this name external-dns will select the respective router from the route status and map that routerCanonicalHostname to the route host while creating a CNAME record.
--namespace="" Limit resources queried for endpoints to a specific namespace (default: all namespaces)
--annotation-filter="" Filter resources queried for endpoints by annotation, using label selector semantics
--label-filter="" Filter resources queried for endpoints by label selector; currently supported by source types crd, gateway-httproute, gateway-grpcroute, gateway-tlsroute, gateway-tcproute, gateway-udproute, ingress, node, openshift-route, service and ambassador-host
--ingress-class=INGRESS-CLASS Require an Ingress to have this class name (defaults to any class; specify multiple times to allow more than one class)
--fqdn-template="" A templated string that’s used to generate DNS names from sources that don’t define a hostname themselves, or to add a hostname suffix when paired with the fake source (optional). Accepts comma separated list for multiple global FQDN.
--[no-]combine-fqdn-annotation Combine FQDN template and Annotations instead of overwriting
--[no-]ignore-hostname-annotation Ignore hostname annotation when generating DNS names, valid only when –fqdn-template is set (default: false)
--[no-]ignore-non-host-network-pods Ignore pods not running on host network when using pod source (default: true)
--[no-]ignore-ingress-tls-spec Ignore the spec.tls section in Ingress resources (default: false)
--gateway-name=GATEWAY-NAME Limit Gateways of Route endpoints to a specific name (default: all names)
--gateway-namespace=GATEWAY-NAMESPACE Limit Gateways of Route endpoints to a specific namespace (default: all namespaces)
--gateway-label-filter=GATEWAY-LABEL-FILTER Filter Gateways of Route endpoints via label selector (default: all gateways)
--compatibility= Process annotation semantics from legacy implementations (optional, options: mate, molecule, kops-dns-controller)
--[no-]ignore-ingress-rules-spec Ignore the spec.rules section in Ingress resources (default: false)
--pod-source-domain="" Domain to use for pods records (optional)
--[no-]publish-internal-services Allow external-dns to publish DNS records for ClusterIP services (optional)
--[no-]publish-host-ip Allow external-dns to publish host-ip for headless services (optional)
--[no-]always-publish-not-ready-addresses Always publish also not ready addresses for headless services (optional)
--connector-source-server="localhost:8080" The server to connect for connector source, valid only when using connector source
--crd-source-apiversion="" API version of the CRD for crd source, e.g., valid only when using crd source
--crd-source-kind="DNSEndpoint" Kind of the CRD for the crd source in API group and version specified by crd-source-apiversion
--service-type-filter=SERVICE-TYPE-FILTER The service types to take care about (default: all, expected: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer or ExternalName)
--managed-record-types=A... Record types to manage; specify multiple times to include many; (default: A, AAAA, CNAME) (supported records: A, AAAA, CNAME, NS, SRV, TXT)
--exclude-record-types=EXCLUDE-RECORD-TYPES Record types to exclude from management; specify multiple times to exclude many; (optional)
--default-targets=DEFAULT-TARGETS Set globally default host/IP that will apply as a target instead of source addresses. Specify multiple times for multiple targets (optional)
--target-net-filter=TARGET-NET-FILTER Limit possible targets by a net filter; specify multiple times for multiple possible nets (optional)
--exclude-target-net=EXCLUDE-TARGET-NET Exclude target nets (optional)
--[no-]traefik-disable-legacy Disable listeners on Resources under the API Group
--[no-]traefik-disable-new Disable listeners on Resources under the API Group
--nat64-networks=NAT64-NETWORKS Adding an A record for each AAAA record in NAT64-enabled networks; specify multiple times for multiple possible nets (optional)
--provider=provider The DNS provider where the DNS records will be created (required, options: akamai, alibabacloud, aws, aws-sd, azure, azure-dns, azure-private-dns, civo, cloudflare, coredns, designate, digitalocean, dnsimple, exoscale, gandi, godaddy, google, ibmcloud, inmemory, linode, ns1, oci, ovh, pdns, pihole, plural, rfc2136, scaleway, skydns, tencentcloud, transip, ultradns, webhook)
--provider-cache-time=0s The time to cache the DNS provider record list requests.
--domain-filter= Limit possible target zones by a domain suffix; specify multiple times for multiple domains (optional)
--exclude-domains= Exclude subdomains (optional)
--regex-domain-filter= Limit possible domains and target zones by a Regex filter; Overrides domain-filter (optional)
--regex-domain-exclusion= Regex filter that excludes domains and target zones matched by regex-domain-filter (optional); Require ‘regex-domain-filter’
--zone-name-filter= Filter target zones by zone domain (For now, only AzureDNS provider is using this flag); specify multiple times for multiple zones (optional)
--zone-id-filter= Filter target zones by hosted zone id; specify multiple times for multiple zones (optional)
--google-project="" When using the Google provider, current project is auto-detected, when running on GCP. Specify other project with this. Must be specified when running outside GCP.
--google-batch-change-size=1000 When using the Google provider, set the maximum number of changes that will be applied in each batch.
--google-batch-change-interval=1s When using the Google provider, set the interval between batch changes.
--google-zone-visibility= When using the Google provider, filter for zones with this visibility (optional, options: public, private)
--alibaba-cloud-config-file="/etc/kubernetes/alibaba-cloud.json" When using the Alibaba Cloud provider, specify the Alibaba Cloud configuration file (required when –provider=alibabacloud)
--alibaba-cloud-zone-type= When using the Alibaba Cloud provider, filter for zones of this type (optional, options: public, private)
--aws-zone-type= When using the AWS provider, filter for zones of this type (optional, options: public, private)
--aws-zone-tags= When using the AWS provider, filter for zones with these tags
--aws-profile= When using the AWS provider, name of the profile to use
--aws-assume-role="" When using the AWS API, assume this IAM role. Useful for hosted zones in another AWS account. Specify the full ARN, e.g. arn:aws:iam::123455567:role/external-dns (optional)
--aws-assume-role-external-id="" When using the AWS API and assuming a role then specify this external ID` (optional)
--aws-batch-change-size=1000 When using the AWS provider, set the maximum number of changes that will be applied in each batch.
--aws-batch-change-size-bytes=32000 When using the AWS provider, set the maximum byte size that will be applied in each batch.
--aws-batch-change-size-values=1000 When using the AWS provider, set the maximum total record values that will be applied in each batch.
--aws-batch-change-interval=1s When using the AWS provider, set the interval between batch changes.
--[no-]aws-evaluate-target-health When using the AWS provider, set whether to evaluate the health of a DNS target (default: enabled, disable with –no-aws-evaluate-target-health)
--aws-api-retries=3 When using the AWS API, set the maximum number of retries before giving up.
--[no-]aws-prefer-cname When using the AWS provider, prefer using CNAME instead of ALIAS (default: disabled)
--aws-zones-cache-duration=0s When using the AWS provider, set the zones list cache TTL (0s to disable).
--[no-]aws-zone-match-parent Expand limit possible target by sub-domains (default: disabled)
--[no-]aws-sd-service-cleanup When using the AWS CloudMap provider, delete empty Services without endpoints (default: disabled)
--aws-sd-create-tag=AWS-SD-CREATE-TAG When using the AWS CloudMap provider, add tag to created services. The flag can be used multiple times
--azure-config-file="/etc/kubernetes/azure.json" When using the Azure provider, specify the Azure configuration file (required when –provider=azure)
--azure-resource-group="" When using the Azure provider, override the Azure resource group to use (optional)
--azure-subscription-id="" When using the Azure provider, override the Azure subscription to use (optional)
--azure-user-assigned-identity-client-id="" When using the Azure provider, override the client id of user assigned identity in config file (optional)
--azure-zones-cache-duration=0s When using the Azure provider, set the zones list cache TTL (0s to disable).
--tencent-cloud-config-file="/etc/kubernetes/tencent-cloud.json" When using the Tencent Cloud provider, specify the Tencent Cloud configuration file (required when –provider=tencentcloud)
--tencent-cloud-zone-type= When using the Tencent Cloud provider, filter for zones with visibility (optional, options: public, private)
--[no-]cloudflare-proxied When using the Cloudflare provider, specify if the proxy mode must be enabled (default: disabled)
--cloudflare-dns-records-per-page=100 When using the Cloudflare provider, specify how many DNS records listed per page, max possible 5,000 (default: 100)
--cloudflare-region-key=CLOUDFLARE-REGION-KEY When using the Cloudflare provider, specify the region (default: earth)
--coredns-prefix="/skydns/" When using the CoreDNS provider, specify the prefix name
--akamai-serviceconsumerdomain="" When using the Akamai provider, specify the base URL (required when –provider=akamai and edgerc-path not specified)
--akamai-client-token="" When using the Akamai provider, specify the client token (required when –provider=akamai and edgerc-path not specified)
--akamai-client-secret="" When using the Akamai provider, specify the client secret (required when –provider=akamai and edgerc-path not specified)
--akamai-access-token="" When using the Akamai provider, specify the access token (required when –provider=akamai and edgerc-path not specified)
--akamai-edgerc-path="" When using the Akamai provider, specify the .edgerc file path. Path must be reachable form invocation environment. (required when –provider=akamai and *-token, secret serviceconsumerdomain not specified)
--akamai-edgerc-section="" When using the Akamai provider, specify the .edgerc file path (Optional when edgerc-path is specified)
--oci-config-file="/etc/kubernetes/oci.yaml" When using the OCI provider, specify the OCI configuration file (required when –provider=oci
--oci-compartment-ocid=OCI-COMPARTMENT-OCID When using the OCI provider, specify the OCID of the OCI compartment containing all managed zones and records. Required when using OCI IAM instance principal authentication.
--oci-zone-scope=GLOBAL When using OCI provider, filter for zones with this scope (optional, options: GLOBAL, PRIVATE). Defaults to GLOBAL, setting to empty value will target both.
--[no-]oci-auth-instance-principal When using the OCI provider, specify whether OCI IAM instance principal authentication should be used (instead of key-based auth via the OCI config file).
--oci-zones-cache-duration=0s When using the OCI provider, set the zones list cache TTL (0s to disable).
--inmemory-zone= Provide a list of pre-configured zones for the inmemory provider; specify multiple times for multiple zones (optional)
--ovh-endpoint="ovh-eu" When using the OVH provider, specify the endpoint (default: ovh-eu)
--ovh-api-rate-limit=20 When using the OVH provider, specify the API request rate limit, X operations by seconds (default: 20)
--pdns-server="http://localhost:8081" When using the PowerDNS/PDNS provider, specify the URL to the pdns server (required when –provider=pdns)
--pdns-server-id="localhost" When using the PowerDNS/PDNS provider, specify the id of the server to retrieve. Should be localhost except when the server is behind a proxy (optional when –provider=pdns) (default: localhost)
--pdns-api-key="" When using the PowerDNS/PDNS provider, specify the API key to use to authorize requests (required when –provider=pdns)
--[no-]pdns-skip-tls-verify When using the PowerDNS/PDNS provider, disable verification of any TLS certificates (optional when –provider=pdns) (default: false)
--ns1-endpoint="" When using the NS1 provider, specify the URL of the API endpoint to target (default:
--[no-]ns1-ignoressl When using the NS1 provider, specify whether to verify the SSL certificate (default: false)
--ns1-min-ttl=NS1-MIN-TTL Minimal TTL (in seconds) for records. This value will be used if the provided TTL for a service/ingress is lower than this.
--digitalocean-api-page-size=50 Configure the page size used when querying the DigitalOcean API.
--ibmcloud-config-file="/etc/kubernetes/ibmcloud.json" When using the IBM Cloud provider, specify the IBM Cloud configuration file (required when –provider=ibmcloud
--[no-]ibmcloud-proxied When using the IBM provider, specify if the proxy mode must be enabled (default: disabled)
--godaddy-api-key="" When using the GoDaddy provider, specify the API Key (required when –provider=godaddy)
--godaddy-api-secret="" When using the GoDaddy provider, specify the API secret (required when –provider=godaddy)
--godaddy-api-ttl=GODADDY-API-TTL TTL (in seconds) for records. This value will be used if the provided TTL for a service/ingress is not provided.
--[no-]godaddy-api-ote When using the GoDaddy provider, use OTE api (optional, default: false, when –provider=godaddy)
--tls-ca="" When using TLS communication, the path to the certificate authority to verify server communications (optionally specify –tls-client-cert for two-way TLS)
--tls-client-cert="" When using TLS communication, the path to the certificate to present as a client (not required for TLS)
--tls-client-cert-key="" When using TLS communication, the path to the certificate key to use with the client certificate (not required for TLS)
--exoscale-apienv="api" When using Exoscale provider, specify the API environment (optional)
--exoscale-apizone="ch-gva-2" When using Exoscale provider, specify the API Zone (optional)
--exoscale-apikey="" Provide your API Key for the Exoscale provider
--exoscale-apisecret="" Provide your API Secret for the Exoscale provider
--rfc2136-host= When using the RFC2136 provider, specify the host of the DNS server (optionally specify multiple times when when using –rfc2136-load-balancing-strategy)
--rfc2136-port=0 When using the RFC2136 provider, specify the port of the DNS server
--rfc2136-zone=RFC2136-ZONE When using the RFC2136 provider, specify zone entries of the DNS server to use
--[no-]rfc2136-create-ptr When using the RFC2136 provider, enable PTR management
--[no-]rfc2136-insecure When using the RFC2136 provider, specify whether to attach TSIG or not (default: false, requires –rfc2136-tsig-keyname and rfc2136-tsig-secret)
--rfc2136-tsig-keyname="" When using the RFC2136 provider, specify the TSIG key to attached to DNS messages (required when –rfc2136-insecure=false)
--rfc2136-tsig-secret="" When using the RFC2136 provider, specify the TSIG (base64) value to attached to DNS messages (required when –rfc2136-insecure=false)
--rfc2136-tsig-secret-alg="" When using the RFC2136 provider, specify the TSIG (base64) value to attached to DNS messages (required when –rfc2136-insecure=false)
--[no-]rfc2136-tsig-axfr When using the RFC2136 provider, specify the TSIG (base64) value to attached to DNS messages (required when –rfc2136-insecure=false)
--rfc2136-min-ttl=0s When using the RFC2136 provider, specify minimal TTL (in duration format) for records. This value will be used if the provided TTL for a service/ingress is lower than this
--[no-]rfc2136-gss-tsig When using the RFC2136 provider, specify whether to use secure updates with GSS-TSIG using Kerberos (default: false, requires –rfc2136-kerberos-realm, –rfc2136-kerberos-username, and rfc2136-kerberos-password)
--rfc2136-kerberos-username="" When using the RFC2136 provider with GSS-TSIG, specify the username of the user with permissions to update DNS records (required when –rfc2136-gss-tsig=true)
--rfc2136-kerberos-password="" When using the RFC2136 provider with GSS-TSIG, specify the password of the user with permissions to update DNS records (required when –rfc2136-gss-tsig=true)
--rfc2136-kerberos-realm="" When using the RFC2136 provider with GSS-TSIG, specify the realm of the user with permissions to update DNS records (required when –rfc2136-gss-tsig=true)
--rfc2136-batch-change-size=50 When using the RFC2136 provider, set the maximum number of changes that will be applied in each batch.
--[no-]rfc2136-use-tls When using the RFC2136 provider, communicate with name server over tls
--[no-]rfc2136-skip-tls-verify When using TLS with the RFC2136 provider, disable verification of any TLS certificates
--rfc2136-load-balancing-strategy=disabled When using the RFC2136 provider, specify the load balancing strategy (default: disabled, options: random, round-robin, disabled)
--transip-account="" When using the TransIP provider, specify the account name (required when –provider=transip)
--transip-keyfile="" When using the TransIP provider, specify the path to the private key file (required when –provider=transip)
--pihole-server="" When using the Pihole provider, the base URL of the Pihole web server (required when –provider=pihole)
--pihole-password="" When using the Pihole provider, the password to the server if it is protected
--[no-]pihole-tls-skip-verify When using the Pihole provider, disable verification of any TLS certificates
--plural-cluster="" When using the plural provider, specify the cluster name you’re running with
--plural-provider="" When using the plural provider, specify the provider name you’re running with
--policy=sync Modify how DNS records are synchronized between sources and providers (default: sync, options: sync, upsert-only, create-only)
--registry=txt The registry implementation to use to keep track of DNS record ownership (default: txt, options: txt, noop, dynamodb, aws-sd)
--txt-owner-id="default" When using the TXT or DynamoDB registry, a name that identifies this instance of ExternalDNS (default: default)
--txt-prefix="" When using the TXT registry, a custom string that’s prefixed to each ownership DNS record (optional). Could contain record type template like ‘%{record_type}-prefix-‘. Mutual exclusive with txt-suffix!
--txt-suffix="" When using the TXT registry, a custom string that’s suffixed to the host portion of each ownership DNS record (optional). Could contain record type template like ‘-%{record_type}-suffix’. Mutual exclusive with txt-prefix!
--txt-wildcard-replacement="" When using the TXT registry, a custom string that’s used instead of an asterisk for TXT records corresponding to wildcard DNS records (optional)
--[no-]txt-encrypt-enabled When using the TXT registry, set if TXT records should be encrypted before stored (default: disabled)
--txt-encrypt-aes-key="" When using the TXT registry, set TXT record decryption and encryption 32 byte aes key (required when –txt-encrypt=true)
--[no-]txt-new-format-only When using the TXT registry, only use new format records which include record type information (e.g., prefix: ‘a-‘). Reduces number of TXT records (default: disabled)
--dynamodb-region="" When using the DynamoDB registry, the AWS region of the DynamoDB table (optional)
--dynamodb-table="external-dns" When using the DynamoDB registry, the name of the DynamoDB table (default: “external-dns”)
--txt-cache-interval=0s The interval between cache synchronizations in duration format (default: disabled)
--interval=1m0s The interval between two consecutive synchronizations in duration format (default: 1m)
--min-event-sync-interval=5s The minimum interval between two consecutive synchronizations triggered from kubernetes events in duration format (default: 5s)
--[no-]once When enabled, exits the synchronization loop after the first iteration (default: disabled)
--[no-]dry-run When enabled, prints DNS record changes rather than actually performing them (default: disabled)
--[no-]events When enabled, in addition to running every interval, the reconciliation loop will get triggered when supported sources change (default: disabled)
--log-format=text The format in which log messages are printed (default: text, options: text, json)
--metrics-address=":7979" Specify where to serve the metrics and health check endpoint (default: :7979)
--log-level=info Set the level of logging. (default: info, options: panic, debug, info, warning, error, fatal)
--webhook-provider-url="http://localhost:8888" The URL of the remote endpoint to call for the webhook provider (default: http://localhost:8888)
--webhook-provider-read-timeout=5s The read timeout for the webhook provider in duration format (default: 5s)
--webhook-provider-write-timeout=10s The write timeout for the webhook provider in duration format (default: 10s)
--[no-]webhook-server When enabled, runs as a webhook server instead of a controller. (default: false).