GKE with default controller¶
This tutorial describes how to setup ExternalDNS for usage within a GKE (Google Kuberentes Engine) cluster. Make sure to use >=0.11.0 version of ExternalDNS for this tutorial
Single project test scenario using access scopes¶
If you prefer to try-out ExternalDNS in one of the existing environments you can skip this step
The following instructions use access scopes to provide ExternalDNS
with the permissions it needs to manage DNS records within a single project, the organizing entity to allocate resources.
Note that since these permissions are associated with the instance, all pods in the cluster will also have these permissions. As such, this approach is not suitable for anything but testing environments.
This solution will only work when both CloudDNS and GKE are provisioned in the same project. If the CloudDNS zone is in a different project, this solution will not work.
Configure Project Environment¶
Set up your environment to work with Google Cloud Platform. Fill in your variables as needed, e.g. target project.
# set variables to the appropriate desired values
# set default settings for project
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
gcloud config set compute/region $REGION
gcloud config set compute/zone $ZONE
# enable billing and APIs if not done already
gcloud beta billing projects link $PROJECT_ID \
--billing-account $BILLING_ACCOUNT
gcloud services enable "dns.googleapis.com"
gcloud services enable "container.googleapis.com"
Create GKE Cluster¶
gcloud container clusters create $GKE_CLUSTER_NAME \
--num-nodes 1 \
--scopes "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/ndev.clouddns.readwrite"
Note that this cluster will use the default compute engine GSA that contians the overly permissive project editor (roles/editor
) role.
So essentially, anything on the cluster could potentially grant escalated privileges.
Also, as mentioned earlier, the access scopendev.clouddns.readwrite
will allow anything running on the cluster to have read/write permissions on all Cloud DNS zones within the same project.
Cloud DNS Zone¶
Create a DNS zone which will contain the managed DNS records.
If using your own domain that was registered with a third-party domain registrar, you should point your domain’s name servers to the values under the nameServers
Please consult your registrar’s documentation on how to do that. This tutorial will use example domain of example.com
gcloud dns managed-zones create "example-com" --dns-name "example.com." \
--description "Automatically managed zone by kubernetes.io/external-dns"
Make a note of the nameservers that were assigned to your new zone.
example.com. NS 21600 ns-cloud-e1.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-e2.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-e3.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-e4.googledomains.com.
In this case it’s ns-cloud-{e1-e4}.googledomains.com.
but your’s could slightly differ, e.g. {a1-a4}
, {b1-b4}
Cross project access scenario using Google Service Account¶
More often, following best practices in regards to security and operations, Cloud DNS zones will be managed in a separate project from the Kubernetes cluster.
This section shows how setup ExternalDNS to access Cloud DNS from a different project. These steps will also work for single project scenarios as well.
ExternalDNS will need permissions to make changes to the Cloud DNS zone. There are three ways to configure the access needed:
Setup Cloud DNS and GKE¶
Below are examples on how you can configure Cloud DNS and GKE in separate projects, and then use one of the three methods to grant access to ExternalDNS. Replace the environment variables to values that make sense in your environment.
Configure Projects¶
For this process, create projects with the appropriate APIs enabled.
# set variables to appropriate desired values
# enable billing and APIs for DNS project if not done already
gcloud config set project $DNS_PROJECT_ID
gcloud beta billing projects link $CLOUD_DNS_PROJECT \
--billing-account $ClOUD_BILLING_ACCOUNT
gcloud services enable "dns.googleapis.com"
# enable billing and APIs for GKE project if not done already
gcloud config set project $GKE_PROJECT_ID
gcloud beta billing projects link $CLOUD_DNS_PROJECT \
--billing-account $ClOUD_BILLING_ACCOUNT
gcloud services enable "container.googleapis.com"
Provisioning Cloud DNS¶
Create a Cloud DNS zone in the designated DNS project.
gcloud dns managed-zones create "example-com" --project $DNS_PROJECT_ID \
--description "example.com" --dns-name="example.com." --visibility=public
If using your own domain that was registered with a third-party domain registrar, you should point your domain’s name servers to the values under the nameServers
key. Please consult your registrar’s documentation on how to do that. The example domain of example.com
will be used for this tutorial.
Provisioning a GKE cluster for cross project access¶
Create a GSA (Google Service Account) and grant it the minimal set of privileges required for GKE nodes:
gcloud iam service-accounts create $GKE_SA_NAME \
--display-name $GKE_SA_NAME --project $GKE_PROJECT_ID
# assign google service account to roles in GKE project
for ROLE in ${ROLES[*]}; do
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GKE_PROJECT_ID \
--member "serviceAccount:$GKE_SA_EMAIL" \
--role $ROLE
Create a cluster using this service account and enable workload identity:
gcloud container clusters create $GKE_CLUSTER_NAME \
--project $GKE_PROJECT_ID --region $GKE_REGION --num-nodes 1 \
--service-account "$GKE_SA_EMAIL" \
--workload-pool "$GKE_PROJECT_ID.svc.id.goog"
Workload Identity¶
Workload Identity allows workloads in your GKE cluster to authenticate directly to GCP using Kubernetes Service Accounts
You have an option to chose from using the gcloud CLI or using Terraform.
The below instructions assume you are using the default Kubernetes Service account name of external-dns
in the namespace external-dns
Grant the Kubernetes service account DNS roles/dns.admin
at project level
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding projects/DNS_PROJECT_ID \
--role=roles/dns.admin \
--member=principal://iam.googleapis.com/projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/PROJECT_ID.svc.id.goog/subject/ns/external-dns/sa/external-dns \
Replace the following:
: Project ID of your DNS project. If DNS is in the same project as your GKE cluster, use your GKE project.PROJECT_ID
: your Google Cloud project ID of your GKE ClusterPROJECT_NUMBER
: your numerical Google Cloud project number of your GKE cluster
If you wish to change the namespace, replace
withns/<your namespace
withsa/<your ksa>
The below instructions assume you are using the default Kubernetes Service account name of external-dns
in the namespace external-dns
Create a file called main.tf
and place in it the below. Note: If you’re an experienced terraform user feel free to split these out in to different files
variable "gke-project" {
type = string
description = "Name of the project that the GKE cluster exists in"
default = "GKE-PROJECT"
variable "ksa_name" {
type = string
description = "Name of the Kubernetes service account that will be accessing the DNS Zones"
default = "external-dns"
variable "kns_name" {
type = string
description = "Name of the Kubernetes Namespace"
default = "external-dns"
data "google_project" "project" {
project_id = var.gke-project
locals {
member = "principal://iam.googleapis.com/projects/${data.google_project.project.number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/${var.gke-project}.svc.id.goog/subject/ns/${var.kns_name}/sa/${var.ksa_name}"
resource "google_project_iam_member" "external_dns" {
member = local.member
project = "DNS-PROJECT"
role = "roles/dns.reader"
resource "google_dns_managed_zone_iam_member" "member" {
project = "DNS-PROJECT"
managed_zone = "ZONE-NAME"
role = "roles/dns.admin"
member = local.member
Replace the following
: Project that contains your GKE clusterDNS-PROJECT
: Project that holds your DNS zones
You can also change the below if you plan to use a different service account name and namespace
variable "ksa_name"
: Name of the Kubernetes service account external-dns will usevariable "kns_name"
: Name of the Kubernetes Name Space that will have external-dns installed to
Worker Node Service Account method¶
In this method, the GSA (Google Service Account) that is associated with GKE worker nodes will be configured to have access to Cloud DNS.
WARNING: This will grant access to modify the Cloud DNS zone records for all containers running on cluster, not just ExternalDNS, so use this option with caution. This is not recommended for production environments.
# assign google service account to dns.admin role in the cloud dns project
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $DNS_PROJECT_ID \
--member serviceAccount:$GKE_SA_EMAIL \
--role roles/dns.admin
After this, follow the steps in Deploy ExternalDNS. Make sure to set the --google-project
flag to match the Cloud DNS project name.
Static Credentials¶
In this scenario, a new GSA (Google Service Account) is created that has access to the CloudDNS zone. The credentials for this GSA are saved and installed as a Kubernetes secret that will be used by ExternalDNS.
This allows only containers that have access to the secret, such as ExternalDNS to update records on the Cloud DNS Zone.
Create GSA for use with static credentials¶
# create GSA used to access the Cloud DNS zone
gcloud iam service-accounts create $DNS_SA_NAME --display-name $DNS_SA_NAME
# assign google service account to dns.admin role in cloud-dns project
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $DNS_PROJECT_ID \
--member serviceAccount:$DNS_SA_EMAIL --role "roles/dns.admin"
Create Kubernetes secret using static credentials¶
Generate static credentials from the ExternalDNS GSA.
# download static credentials
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create /local/path/to/credentials.json \
--iam-account $DNS_SA_EMAIL
Create a Kubernetes secret with the credentials in the same namespace of ExternalDNS.
kubectl create secret generic "external-dns" --namespace ${EXTERNALDNS_NS:-"default"} \
--from-file /local/path/to/credentials.json
After this, follow the steps in Deploy ExternalDNS. Make sure to set the --google-project
flag to match Cloud DNS project name. Make sure to uncomment out the section that mounts the secret to the ExternalDNS pods.
Deploy External DNS¶
Deploy ExternalDNS with the following steps below, documented under Deploy ExternalDNS. Set the --google-project
flag to the Cloud DNS project name.
Update ExternalDNS pods¶
Only required if not enabled on all nodes
If you have GKE Workload Identity enabled on all nodes in your cluster, the below step is not necessary
Update the Pod spec to schedule the workloads on nodes that use Workload Identity and to use the annotated Kubernetes service account.
kubectl patch deployment "external-dns" \
--namespace ${EXTERNALDNS_NS:-"default"} \
--patch \
'{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"nodeSelector": {"iam.gke.io/gke-metadata-server-enabled": "true"}}}}}'
After all of these steps you may see several messages with googleapi: Error 403: Forbidden, forbidden
. After several minutes when the token is refreshed, these error messages will go away, and you should see info messages, such as: All records are already up to date
Deploy ExternalDNS¶
Then apply the following manifests file to deploy ExternalDNS.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: external-dns
app.kubernetes.io/name: external-dns
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
name: external-dns
app.kubernetes.io/name: external-dns
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["services","endpoints","pods","nodes"]
verbs: ["get","watch","list"]
- apiGroups: ["extensions","networking.k8s.io"]
resources: ["ingresses"]
verbs: ["get","watch","list"]
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: external-dns-viewer
app.kubernetes.io/name: external-dns
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: ClusterRole
name: external-dns
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: external-dns
namespace: default # change if namespace is not 'default'
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: external-dns
app.kubernetes.io/name: external-dns
type: Recreate
app.kubernetes.io/name: external-dns
app.kubernetes.io/name: external-dns
serviceAccountName: external-dns
- name: external-dns
image: registry.k8s.io/external-dns/external-dns:v0.15.1
- --source=service
- --source=ingress
- --domain-filter=example.com # will make ExternalDNS see only the hosted zones matching provided domain, omit to process all available hosted zones
- --provider=google
- --log-format=json # google cloud logs parses severity of the "text" log format incorrectly
# - --google-project=my-cloud-dns-project # Use this to specify a project different from the one external-dns is running inside
- --google-zone-visibility=public # Use this to filter to only zones with this visibility. Set to either 'public' or 'private'. Omitting will match public and private zones
- --policy=upsert-only # would prevent ExternalDNS from deleting any records, omit to enable full synchronization
- --registry=txt
- --txt-owner-id=my-identifier
# # uncomment below if static credentials are used
# env:
# value: /etc/secrets/service-account/credentials.json
# volumeMounts:
# - name: google-service-account
# mountPath: /etc/secrets/service-account/
# volumes:
# - name: google-service-account
# secret:
# secretName: external-dns
Create the deployment for ExternalDNS:
Verify ExternalDNS works¶
The following will deploy a small nginx server that will be used to demonstrate that ExternalDNS is working.
Verify using an external load balancer¶
Create the following sample application to test that ExternalDNS works. This example will provision a L4 load balancer.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: nginx
# change nginx.example.com to match an appropriate value
external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: nginx.example.com
type: LoadBalancer
- port: 80
targetPort: 80
app: nginx
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx
app: nginx
app: nginx
- image: nginx
name: nginx
- containerPort: 80
Create the deployment and service objects:
After roughly two minutes check that a corresponding DNS record for your service was created.
Example output:
nginx.example.com. A 300
nginx.example.com. TXT 300 "heritage=external-dns,external-dns/owner=my-identifier"
Note created TXT
record alongside A
record. TXT
record signifies that the corresponding A
record is managed by ExternalDNS. This makes ExternalDNS safe for running in environments where there are other records managed via other means.
Let’s check that we can resolve this DNS name. We’ll ask the nameservers assigned to your zone first.
Given you hooked up your DNS zone with its parent zone you can use curl
to access your site.
Verify using an ingress¶
Let’s check that Ingress works as well. Create the following Ingress.
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: nginx
- host: server.example.com
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: nginx
number: 80
Create the ingress objects with:
Note that this will ingress object will use the default ingress controller that comes with GKE to create a L7 load balancer in addition to the L4 load balancer previously with the service object.
To use only the L7 load balancer, update the service manafest to change the Service type to NodePort
and remove the ExternalDNS annotation.
After roughly two minutes check that a corresponding DNS record for your Ingress was created.
server.example.com. A 300
server.example.com. TXT 300 "heritage=external-dns,external-dns/owner=my-identifier"
Let’s check that we can resolve this DNS name as well.
Try with curl
as well.
Clean up¶
Make sure to delete all Service and Ingress objects before terminating the cluster so all load balancers get cleaned up correctly.
Give ExternalDNS some time to clean up the DNS records for you. Then delete the managed zone and cluster.