Air-gapped Environment

To install Cluster API providers in an air-gapped environment using the operator, address the following issues:

  1. Configure the operator for an air-gapped environment:
    • Manually fetch and store a helm chart for the operator.
    • Provide image overrides for the operator from an accessible image repository.
  2. Configure providers for an air-gapped environment:
    • Provide fetch configuration for each provider from an accessible location: e.g., an OCI artifact, internal GitHub/GitLab repository URL or from pre-created ConfigMaps within the cluster.
    • Provide image overrides for each provider to pull images from an accessible image repository.

Please note that the operator generates a list of metadata versions from the ConfigMaps by the provider selector based (in priority) on:

  • Value in the label
  • Its name (see usage example below)

Example Usage:

As an admin, I need to fetch the Azure provider components from within the cluster because I am working in an air-gapped environment.

Using ConfigMap

In this example, there is a ConfigMap in the capz-system namespace that defines the components and metadata of the provider.

The Azure InfrastructureProvider is configured with a fetchConfig specifying the label selector, allowing the operator to determine the available versions of the Azure provider. Since the provider's version is marked as v1.9.3, the operator uses the components information from the ConfigMap with a matching label to install the Azure provider.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    provider-components: azure
  name: v1.9.3
  namespace: capz-system
  components: |
    # Components for v1.9.3 YAML go here
  metadata: |
    # Metadata information goes here
kind: InfrastructureProvider
  name: azure
  namespace: capz-system
  version: v1.9.3
    name: azure-variables
        provider-components: azure

Using OCI Artifact

OCI artifact files can follow these naming patterns:

  • <registry>/<repository>:<tag> (e.g.,
  • <registry>/<repository> (e.g.,, in which case the tag is substituted by provider version.

When working with metadata and component files within OCI artifacts, the files stored in the artifact should follow these naming conventions:

  • Metadata Files:

    • Default: metadata.yaml
    • Versioned: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-metadata.yaml", p.GetType(), p.GetName(), p.GetSpec().Version), Example: infrastructure-azure-v1.9.3-metadata.yaml
  • Component Files:

    • Default: components.yaml
    • Typed: fmt.Sprintf("%s-components.yaml", p.GetType()), Example: infrastructure-components.yaml
    • Versioned: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-components.yaml", p.GetType(), p.GetName(), p.GetSpec().Version), Example: infrastructure-azure-v1.9.3-components.yaml

Versioned files allow to use single image for hosting multiple provider manifests and versions simultaneously, without overlapping each other.

Typed allow to store multiple provider types inside single image, which is needed for example for bootstrap and control-plane providers.

Example layout for a kubeadm provider may look like:

  • metadata.yaml
  • control-plane-components.yaml
  • bootstrap-components.yaml

To fetch provider components which are stored as an OCI artifact, you can configure fetchConfig.oci field to pull them directly from an OCI registry:

kind: InfrastructureProvider
  name: azure
  namespace: capz-system
  version: v1.9.3
    name: azure-variables
    oci: ""

OCI Authentication

To securely authenticate with an OCI registry, environment variables are used for user credentials. The following environment variables are involved:

  • OCI_USERNAME: The username for the OCI registry.
  • OCI_PASSWORD: The password associated with the username.
  • OCI_ACCESS_TOKEN: A token used for authentication.
  • OCI_REFRESH_TOKEN: A refresh token to obtain new access tokens.

Fetching Provider Components from a secure OCI Registry

To fetch provider components stored as an OCI artifact, you can configure the fetchConfig.oci field to pull them directly from an OCI registry. The configSecret field references a Kubernetes Secret that should contain the necessary OCI credentials (such as username and password, or token), ensuring that sensitive information is securely stored.

Here’s an example of how to configure the InfrastructureProvider resource to fetch a specific version of a provider component from an OCI registry:

kind: InfrastructureProvider
  name: azure
  namespace: capz-system
  version: v1.9.3
    name: azure-variables  # Secret containing the OCI registry credentials
    oci: ""  # Reference to the OCI artifact (provider)

The reference secret can could contain OCI authentication data:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: azure-variables  # Name of the secret referenced in the InfrastructureProvider
  namespace: capz-system  # Namespace where the secret resides
type: Opaque
  OCI_USERNAME: <secret>
  OCI_PASSWORD: <secret>
  OCI_ACCESS_TOKEN: <secret>
  images: |

This example also demonstrates how to override the repository for all images in the provider metadata.

Using GitHub/GitLab URL

If the provider components are hosted at a specific repository URL, you can use fetchConfig.url to retrieve them directly.

kind: InfrastructureProvider
  name: azure
  namespace: capz-system
  version: v1.9.3
    name: azure-variables
    url: ""

Situation when manifests do not fit into ConfigMap

There is a limit on the maximum size of a ConfigMap - 1MiB. If the manifests do not fit into this size, Kubernetes will generate an error and provider installation will fail. To avoid this, you can archive the manifests and put them in the ConfigMap that way.

For example, you have two files: components.yaml and metadata.yaml. To create a working ConfigMap, you need:

  1. Archive components.yaml using gzip CLI tool:
gzip -c components.yaml > components.gz
  1. Create a ConfigMap in your Kubernetes cluster from the archived data:
kubectl create configmap v1.9.3 -n capz-system --from-file=components=components.gz --from-file=metadata=metadata.yaml
  1. Add " true" annotation to the ConfigMap:
kubectl annotate configmap v1.9.3 -n capz-system

Note: Without this annotation, the operator won't be able to determine if the data is compressed or not.

  1. Add labels that will be used to match the ConfigMap in the fetchConfig section of the provider:
kubectl label configmap v1.9.3 -n capz-system provider-components=azure