Commandline flags of nfd client

Table of contents

  1. -h, –help
  2. compat
    1. validate-node

The client is in the experimental v1alpha1 version.

To quickly view available command line flags execute nfd --help.

-h, –help

Print usage and exit.


Image Compatibility commands.


Perform node validation based on its associated image compatibility artifact.


The --image flag specifies the URL of the image containing compatibility metadata.


The --plain-http flag forces the use of HTTP protocol for all registry communications. Default: false


The --platform flag specifies the artifact platform in the format os[/arch][/variant][:os_version].


The --tags flag specifies a list of tags that must match the tags set on the compatibility objects.


The --output-json flag prints the output as a JSON object.


The --registry-username flag specifies the username for the registry.


The --registry-password-stdin flag enables reading of registry password from stdin.


The --registry-token-stdin flag enables reading of registry token from stdin.