Versions and deprecation

Supported versions

Node Feature Discovery follows semantic versioning where the version number consists of three components, i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

The most recent two minor releases (or release branches) of Node Feature Discovery are supported. That is, with X being the latest release, X and X-1 are supported and X-1 reaches end-of-life when X+1 is released.

Deprecation policy

Feature labels

Built-in feature labels and features are supported for 2 releases after being deprecated, at minimum. That is, if a feature label is deprecated in version X, it will be supported in X+1 and X+2 and may be dropped in X+3.

Configuration options

Command-line flags and configuration file options are supported for 1 more release after being deprecated, at minimum. That is, if option/flag is deprecated in version X, it will be supported in X+1 and may be removed in X+2.

The same policy (support for 1 release after deprecation) also applies to Helm chart parameters.