NFD-Topology-Updater Commandline Flags

Table of Contents

  1. NFD-Topology-Updater Commandline Flags
    1. -h, -help
    2. -version
    3. -server
    4. -ca-file
    5. -cert-file
    6. -key-file
    7. -server-name-override
    8. -no-publish
    9. -oneshot
    10. -sleep-interval
    11. -watch-namespace
    12. -kubelet-config-file
    13. -podresources-socket

To quickly view available command line flags execute nfd-topology-updater -help. In a docker container:

docker run nfd-topology-updater -help

-h, -help

Print usage and exit.


Print version and exit.


The -server flag specifies the address of the nfd-master endpoint where to connect to.

Default: localhost:8080


nfd-topology-updater -server=nfd-master.nfd.svc.cluster.local:443


The -ca-file is one of the three flags (together with -cert-file and -key-file) controlling the mutual TLS authentication on the topology-updater side. This flag specifies the TLS root certificate that is used for verifying the authenticity of nfd-master.

Default: empty

Note: Must be specified together with -cert-file and -key-file


nfd-topology-updater -ca-file=/opt/nfd/ca.crt -cert-file=/opt/nfd/updater.crt -key-file=/opt/nfd/updater.key


The -cert-file is one of the three flags (together with -ca-file and -key-file) controlling mutual TLS authentication on the topology-updater side. This flag specifies the TLS certificate presented for authenticating outgoing requests.

Default: empty

Note: Must be specified together with -ca-file and -key-file


nfd-topology-updater -cert-file=/opt/nfd/updater.crt -key-file=/opt/nfd/updater.key -ca-file=/opt/nfd/ca.crt


The -key-file is one of the three flags (together with -ca-file and -cert-file) controlling the mutual TLS authentication on topology-updater side. This flag specifies the private key corresponding the given certificate file (-cert-file) that is used for authenticating outgoing requests.

Default: empty

Note: Must be specified together with -cert-file and -ca-file


nfd-topology-updater -key-file=/opt/nfd/updater.key -cert-file=/opt/nfd/updater.crt -ca-file=/opt/nfd/ca.crt


The -server-name-override flag specifies the common name (CN) which to expect from the nfd-master TLS certificate. This flag is mostly intended for development and debugging purposes.

Default: empty


nfd-topology-updater -server-name-override=localhost


The -no-publish flag disables all communication with the nfd-master, making it a "dry-run" flag for nfd-topology-updater. NFD-Topology-Updater runs resource hardware topology detection normally, but no CR requests are sent to nfd-master.

Default: false


nfd-topology-updater -no-publish


The -oneshot flag causes nfd-topology-updater to exit after one pass of resource hardware topology detection.

Default: false


nfd-topology-updater -oneshot -no-publish


The -sleep-interval specifies the interval between resource hardware topology re-examination (and CR updates). A non-positive value implies infinite sleep interval, i.e. no re-detection is done.

Default: 60s


nfd-topology-updater -sleep-interval=1h


The -watch-namespace specifies the namespace to ensure that resource hardware topology examination only happens for the pods running in the specified namespace. Pods that are not running in the specified namespace are not considered during resource accounting. This is particularly useful for testing/debugging purpose. A "*" value would mean that all the pods would be considered during the accounting process.

Default: "*"


nfd-topology-updater -watch-namespace=rte


The -kubelet-config-file specifies the path to the Kubelet's configuration file.

Default: /host-var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml


nfd-topology-updater -kubelet-config-file=/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml


The -podresources-socket specifies the path to the Unix socket where kubelet exports a gRPC service to enable discovery of in-use CPUs and devices, and to provide metadata for them.

Default: /host-var/lib/kubelet/pod-resources/kubelet.sock


nfd-topology-updater -podresources-socket=/var/lib/kubelet/pod-resources/kubelet.sock